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Download the presentation of our retractable dock shelters
Possible to produce non-standard widths in 3000/3100/3200/3300
So why choose this product?
1. Temperature control
Our dock shelters are engineered to uphold a controlled temperature within the load bays. Constructed with high-density thermal insulation materials and hermetic seals, they effectively prevent heat loss, establishing a robust barrier against external atmospheric agents. This consistent internal temperature maintenance is crucial for companies transporting temperature-sensitive goods, such as food, pharmaceuticals, or chemicals, as it ensures the integrity and quality of these items during transport.
2. Energy efficiency
Dock shelters significantly enhance the energy efficiency of vehicles and warehouses. Their exceptional thermal insulation capacity minimizes heat loss during the loading and unloading processes. This efficiency allows heating or cooling systems inside vehicles or warehouses to operate more effectively, reducing energy consumption and associated costs. Furthermore, the thermal insulation provided by isothermal portals establishes a comfortable working environment for operators in the load bays, ensuring optimal conditions for their tasks.
3. Protection of goods
Dock shelters provide enhanced protection for goods during the loading and unloading process. Featuring hermetic seals and insulating materials, they effectively prevent the infiltration of dust, dirt, and moisture into the load bays, safeguarding goods from potential damage. Moreover, select models of isothermal portals come equipped with humidity control and ventilation systems, enabling the maintenance of suitable environments for various types of goods. This meticulous attention to environmental conditions ensures the quality and integrity of goods throughout the entire logistics process.
1 review for DSH-R – Retractable dock shelter